Did you know? Among many smart bracelets, their built-in various electronic components, in addition to tracking the number of steps, mileage and calories consumed by the user every day, like sports bracelets can also monitor the number of floors climbed by the user every day through the built-in altimeter, also known as the barometric pressure sensor. Sometimes, some users even essentially forgo taking the elevator in order to brush up on their floor count, whether at home or on the subway.

So, in addition to the altimeter and barometric pressure sensor used in some consumer cell phones and smart watch bracelets, what other areas can they be used in?
When it comes to the typical application of pressure sensors, it belongs to some navigation devices. Some satellite navigation devices have a built-in GPS module, mainly for fast and accurate satellite positioning, while the built-in electronic compass allows users to lock the direction when they are stationary and do not need to be placed horizontally to accurately point out the direction. In addition, for some special applications, such as traveling through uninhabited areas, some navigators have built-in barometric pressure sensors, in the hope that the altimeter can tell the relative altitude of the location. In addition, the built-in air pressure sensor can also be used to assist in the recording of waypoints, routes, tracks and other data.
In the security patrol personnel, such as firefighters commonly used in the intercom equipment, in addition to the use of the intercom real-time calls, sometimes also need to ask security personnel to provide their own floor information, so that in the event of a dangerous situation, the security center can quickly command and deploy the nearby floors patrol personnel. At this time, the equipment can be installed in the air pressure sensor components to provide the user’s floor and other location information, and can ensure their own safety.

In addition, in the handheld weather station equipment used for climate change research and weather phenomenon prediction, a variety of sensitive components or sensors are integrated, including barometric pressure sensors. Hand-held barometric pressure sensors are often used in field measurements or temporary measurements, where they are used to measure atmospheric pressure to obtain altitude and other information for meteorological studies.